WA & WS having a chat
Just a short one. But it had me in creases, absolute turned me inside out.......
WA or Bagpuss as he is an exact clone of was sitting down.
His third chin was so low he was purring with every breath when suddenly he started talking about a film on wednesday night.
A really good film which has won some awards.
So good it was and so excited he was that I asked what it was called.
"Scooby Dog Money" he said.
"Never heard of it" I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I beedin' am. Are you sure it's not just Scooby Doo?" I replied whilst strangling myself
"Oh yeah, that's it Scooby Doo Dog Millionaire" he said happily and with a straight face.
I had to walk away saying "sorry, not heard of that one."
I just could not just explode with laughter in his face.
It's why I like working with him on mondays. He does come out with some gems. Unintentionally of course.
I did ask him what it was about and he muttered something about Deal or No Deal. Again his chins wobbled with excitement.
Meanwhile I picked up a starter knife & stabbed myself.......
Weather gone all Snow White today. Took me an hour and half to get back home from shopping. Normally 15 minutes. I only went to get a apir of thicker sole boots. Instead all I got was 6" of pure, a diary, 2 bottles of Lucozade Original and a bag of peanut M&Ms. Fab.
It was also so good to see fancy rear wheel drive BMWs struggling to get up a slight hill whilst being overtaken by a Ford KA.
Walked down & picked the kids up from school. Had a snowball fight with other smaller kids before their parents could see what I was doing. Anyway they off 2mrw so gonna make some snowpersons.
Curiosity Killed the Bagpuss........maybe, just maybe...
These guys were the first concert I saw......
Live Long & Prosper